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Hard Licker Ranch is a 501(c)3 Non Profit organization.

EIN: 86-2523220

All donations are tax deductible.

Donations by PayPal, click "Donate."

Make check or money orders

payable to "Hard Licker Ranch".

Please send to:

Hard Licker Ranch

20603 Deerfield Rd.

Deerfield, MI 49238

We pay for all of the medical needs of the animals, food, toys, as well as the expansions of the Ranch out-of-pocket.  We are not supported by any government or local agency and rely on donations to assist us.  It is our belief that we are meant to do this, thank you for supporting us in this journey.  

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When you shop through Amazon Smile, select Hard Licker Ranch as your charity of choice and .05% of your purchase goes to Hard Licker Ranch with no price increase for you!

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